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Stuff for sale in my shop can haggle I just want it gone
What makes Christmas look like Christmas to you?
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As the Christmas radio station is now the default station in my car, on my computer, and one my phone, I have heard the song "It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas" many times. This got me to thinking, what makes it look like Christmas?

To me, it begins to look like Christmas when we put up our Christmas Trees and lights, when stores start offering amazing deals, Ugly Christmas Sweater Fridays, the first snow, hoards of delicious food around every corner, and those are just a few of the things!

What makes it look a lot like Christmas for you?

11-30-2015 at 2:42 PM
Christmas looks like a warm robe, fuzzy socks, a cup of hot cocoa, and a whole lot of awkwardness as people open gifts and don't quite know how to express themselves over it. :3
edit history
2015-11-30 14:43:21 by #2561


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